ESGENA Call for Abstracts 2018
ESGENA invites colleagues from Europe and from all over the world to present their experience, studies and projects at the 22nd ESGENA Conference in October 2018 in Vienna, Austria. Participants wishing to submit abstracts can do so only in electronic format by sending a MS Word document with their abstract by e-mail to:
Ulrike Beilenhoff,
ESGENA scientific secretariat Email:
Deadline for submitting abstracts: 31st May 2018
The authors will receive an official confirmation within 3-5 days after submitting their abstract. If authorsdo not get an official confirmation within 5 days, please send the abstract again to Ulrike Beilenhoff and a copy to the ESGENA secretariat:
The presenting author of an accepted free paper or poster will receive a free registration to the ESGENA Conference. A limited number of free registrations are available